Re: Spreading the press release/release announcement and collecting press coverage

Quim Gil a écrit :
Good bits in GNOME 2.16

Not yet user, sorry.
Gah. "some minor feature enhancements"?

If there's one thing I regret it's that we didn't push this release as
"The big performance push" - there was a wealth of blog entries,
performance fixes in the platform (Cairo, GTK+, pango) and focus on
performance in some key applications like Evolution. We really should
have made more mileage out of that - I can imagine headlines like "The
same GNOME, smaller and faster" with by-lines like "If you've been
finding previous versions of GNOME a little sluggish on your older
desktop, perhaps now is the time to upgrade".

To my mind that is definitely a bigger "feature" than "we will have more
eye candy in future releases thanks to optional XGL support in Metacity".


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