Re: [guadec-list] Linux Magazine Guadec ad


On Sun, 29 Apr 2007 14:48:10 +0200
Philip Van Hoof <spam pvanhoof be> wrote:

No, But I like it. Why not?

There's nothing wrong with the headline from a promotion point of view.
I'd be glad if it's choosen for the ad.

I just expected a copy like this to be rejected because of its
sales touch. That's all.

Just say 'Yes, we pick this one', and all what needs to be done is an
additional sentence about the conference fee [1], a short discussion
with a native speaker about some words in the rest of the copy, a
proof-reading by someone else, and then it's ready to be used by


[1] "Attendence fees start at XXX Euro for students, and there's some
funding available to cover travel expenses under certain circumstances."

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