Re: GNOME Project Organogram


2007/2/11, Quim Gil <quimgil gmail com>:
Sorry for missing this email with this interesting organigram.
No problems... ;-)

Your proposal is totally code-centric, considering GNOME only code and
circunven ti it to the Release Team. It's a perspective and probably
nobody can tell you it's wrong.
Yes, I agree with you, because I did it (the organogram)  from  some
interviews [1] (in addition to my perspective, of course) that I had
made in FISL 2006 and that Lucas Rocha had made in GUADEC 2006, as
part of our research.

However, while GNOME is Code the community is realizing that GNOME is
People (yes, that meme) as well. I would draw perhaps a bi-polar
structure with the release team & developers in one side, and the
board & membership of the GNOME Foundation in another side, having
around the respective teams/areas.
Ok. But It's  important to say that I started the organogram from here:
"What is GNOME? The GNOME project *provides two things*: The GNOME
desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for users,
and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for
building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop."

In the organogram, I weight up that this essay is the GNOME Project
goal/mission like organization (people + culture + structure +
technology). And I Could see that every thing else turn around on it -
in a straight way or not. So, i basically ended up with a mandala
structure, the *gnome goal* in the center. And, like others GNOME
Teams, the foundation gives (formal) support for the Project to reach
and improve its goal.

Moreover, like a soccer team [3], the GNOME Project has the guys who
"score goals" (the Forwards Teams/Projects)  and others guys who
dispossess the "opposition" and keep possession of the "ball" in order
to pass it to the "forwards" (the Midfielders Teams or Support
Teams/Projects). Thus, I also could see that more important than
"Forwards" (coders) or  "Midfielders" is the  "soccer team".

In other words, I agree that the GNOME  community of volunteers,   the
worldwide team, the people are the soul and the power of this Project.
It's the difference between GNOME Project and others free softwares
protects that have only one "Benevolent Dictator for Life" (BDFL) or
one big company behind it.

However, like a soccer team too,  into the GNOME Project, the most
famous guys is those  who "score goals". After all, who have never
heard about Pelé? ;-)

A good diagram reflecting the GNOME project would be really useful to
explain GNOME to others and even to ourselves.
Yes, I really agree with you and I'm very happy with this discussion,
because I think that It's very important to GNOME try to understanding
more and more itself.   :-)

If you or someone else comes up with a cool proposal we will put it in the           > revamped wgo.
Ok. It will be a pleasure.


Vicente Aguiar :-)

[1] In FISL 2006 and GUADEC 2006 we had made 9 interviews with Jeff
Waugh, Guilherme Pastore, Gman, Davyd, Murrayc, Luis Villa, Vincent
Vuntz, Johan e Thomasvs.


[3] if someone here don't know what is soccer:

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