Re: Marketing & promotion - Cheat sheets, LiveCDs, community calendar

rBuilder also hosts torrents automatically via amazon s3.  So all
images built are hosted on s3 which are automatically available as a


On 2/23/07, Luis Villa <luis tieguy org> wrote:
On 2/23/07, Ken VanDine <ken vandine org> wrote:
> Luis,
> Actually rBuilder can create livecd images, I haven't created them for
> Foresight yet, but we definately want to.

Ah, it wasn't able to (or at least it wasn't advertised) the last time
I checked. If that is now the case, rBuilder/foresight seems like a
pretty impressively good base for us. Does it facilitate the splitting
out of translations like Ubuntu does?

Dave, I've been asked by the host to take down from
lack of use; if we're going to actually usefully use it again I can
request we bring it back up again.


> On 2/22/07, Luis Villa <luis tieguy org> wrote:
> > On 2/19/07, Paul Cutler <silwenae gmail com> wrote:
> > > LiveCD: According to this wiki page (
> > > it says:  "It is not
> > > a target to do an official version for GNOME 2.18".  If we do:
> > > LiveCD:  I think that's a great idea.  I've been reading through the
> > > documentation for customizing an Ubuntu LiveCD at
> > >
> > > -- I'm going to need some help on this one.  That wiki page was written for
> > > Ubuntu 6.06 / Dapper, and if we choose to use Ubuntu, do we want to update
> > > an Edgy LiveCD or customize a Feisty LiveCD, which already has 2.17.91 and
> > > should have 2.17.2 soon.  I was also looking at Reconstructor (
> > >  I believe looking
> > > through the Wiki, that Luis Villa led the last LiveCD created for 2.12 -
> > > Luis, if you have any pointers or advice to share on how that process, I'd
> > > love to hear them..
> >
> > Hey, Paul-
> > Marcus Bauer is really the person to talk to about liveCDs;
> > particularly for his work on scripting and localizing the whole
> > process. I had not seen reconstructor; just from a quick skim it looks
> > like it would be very good for the basics of a liveCD. (Though an
> > ideal liveCD would work from stock GNOME, and not patched GNOME like
> > Ubuntu ships.)
> >
> > I generally worked with an unstable Ubuntu release, specifically
> > because (as you mentioned) that included a very up-to-date GNOME. You
> > might also want to look at combining the debian 'live-package' tool
> > and
> >
> > Sadly, AFAIK rpath still doesn't create liveCDs; otherwise their tools
> > would be perfect. (One could argue that a self-hosting image that
> > doesn't require rebooting the host PC would be even better, of course.
> > I leave that to others to noodle on about.)
> >
> > Anyway, I can answer at least some questions, I just don't have a
> > whole lot of time to help out right now. Sorry :/
> >
> > Luis
> > --
> > marketing-list mailing list
> > marketing-list gnome org
> >
> >

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