Re: Working Draft

On Thu, 2007-03-08 at 17:47 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
Le jeudi 08 mars 2007, à 07:35, Quim Gil a écrit :
Let's agree a hard deadline, otherwise we can keep adding items and
suggesting ideas until 2.18.1.

Gervais needs to deliver a final text and graphics (*) tomorrow Friday
by 12pm (midday) UTC - latest. From that point someone (Vincent?) will
pick it and send it to the DocBook & L10n machineries.
I can announce the work to translators, but I will be of no help with
the conversion to docbook. Maybe doc people can help for this?
Is this the final text from the marketing team?

This absolutely needs to be proofread.  I'm seeing quite a
few language errors just at a glance.  I'm more than happy
to do this, but it should be the absolute last thing done
before we freeze for translators.

And if nobody else volunteers, I can turn it into DocBook.
Somebody tell me where it goes and when it needs to be


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