Re: Promoting events in South America


2007/11/8, Diego Escalante Urrelo <diegoe gnome org>:

On 11/7/07, Fabián Arias <fabian gnome cl> wrote:
El 06-11-2007, a las 16:50, Diego Escalante Urrelo escribió:

We should try to get a word of people working on events in Brasil
and Argentina.


What about Chile? ;)

Yes, I meant that we had a word from Claudio and Fernando but not from
someone from Argentina or Brasil so far (well Lucas is now Finish as
we all already know :p).
I've already forwarded your proposal to Izabel (the person who have
organized most of GNOME events in Brazil) and gnome-br mailing list.


ps: No, I'm not finnish! I don't like salmiakki and don't drink Pimä
during lunch. Well, maybe it's matter of time. :-P

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