Re: fosdem stand

Hi Erik,

Le dimanche 02 mars 2008, à 02:55 +0100, Erik Snoeijs a écrit :

So fosdem has come and gone and in the end my fears where unfound,
because there where lots of great people helping out.

But i noticed there hasn't been a fosdem post on, well
there of course have been mentions, but no real post about the stand.

I just made a post about it detailing a few things we did and what
happened, but my blog doesn't get syndicated by p.g.o. So if anyone
would be so inclined to just copy paste the fosdem stuff and post it on
p.g.o or link to it or whatever. Because i think having these kinds of
messages on p.g.o, sends a really positive message about what the people
of gnome are doing, and might inspire others to do the same.
I'll make a post soonish about FOSDEM (and will link to yours).

It was great to see you there!


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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