Re: Banner for GNOME 2.22 release

Hi all,

2008/3/10, Dave Neary <bolsh gnome org>:
Lucas Rocha wrote:
 > Hi,
 > 2008/3/10, Dave Neary <bolsh gnome org>:
 >>  Hi,
 >>  Lucas Rocha wrote:
 >>  > Comments?
 >>  A bit plain, isn't it?
 > Indeed. Any suggestions?
 > I think we could use this same proposal with a nice moto.

I'd like to see some stuff in the graphic that isn't there, for example:

 Some idea that this is a software release?

 Some stylised representations of key selling points (part of the issue
 with this release is that there are many new features all over the
 place, with Cheese, Totem, swfdec, Vinagre, Evolution...)

 It's hard to see any unifying theme or trend coming out of this release.
 Perhaps "Fun" could come out as a theme, with Cheese, multimedia
 improvements in Totem and a new networked chess game?
Vinicius prepared a new version of the banner taking into account our
comments. Image is attached.



Attachment: two-twenty-two.png
Description: PNG image

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