Re: New Website layout


Murray Cumming wrote:
On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 13:38 +0159, Thilo Pfennig wrote:
Murray Cumming schrieb:

A restart of the redesign/reimplementation effort might be
appropriate soon, but it's premature to start that now. Therefore I'll
be reverting or editing Thilo's recent edits to make that
I think some things need to be done now.
No, you can wait for a week.
It feels like I've picked up the phone in the middle of a conversation

For those of us not on the web list, can we have some idea what's been
happening with the website infrastructure for the past couple of years,

I always understood that we were adopting a two-pronged approach -
infrastructure and content - which would allow us to modify content on a
day to day basis without waiting for an infrastructure deployment, but
that the infrastructure deployment might require some substantial
redesign of content layout etc.

So - what's been happening, please, and what's Thilo been doing in that's got your wick up, Murray?


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
bolsh gnome org

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