Re: Fwd: Improving the Friends of GNOME donation pages

Hi Stormy!
Thanks Glynn for the feedback. The slider idea is really nice!
I think I can implement these with some help from Kalle (who is better at jquery voodoo than I am).
Speaking of the FOG site. At some point I would like to look into some 
traffic data on the site at some point to figure out if we need to fine 
tune something on the site and look into from were we're getting the 
visits etc.
- Andreas

Stormy Peters wrote:
I think Glynn has some really good feedback on our Friends page. Can someone help implement some changes that take it into account? Lucas? Someone else?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Glynn Foster* <Glynn Foster sun com <mailto:Glynn Foster sun com>>
Date: Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 3:05 PM
Subject: Improving the Friends of GNOME donation pages
To: Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org <mailto:stormy gnome org>>


When you click on the 'Proceed with your donation' button, it goes to a page where it looks like the only options are
       o Options specific to that level of donation eg. t-shirt size
       o Select if you want to receive that gift
       o Select whether you want your name on the donors page
       o Add comments

The important box with the dollar figure is small, and pushed out at the end of the first line. All the options above are highlighted in green, but the dollar figure section is not. I'd suggest having a header 'Select donation amount:' in green, and bringing the box onto a separate line. I'd also wrap the larger comments box below 'improve the GNOME Foundation:' text.
Bonus points would be if you could somehow create a slider widget that 
allows the user to drag the dot between two extremes ie.
       Thank you! $25                                                 
            You are awesome, thank you! $100
            <------------------- o 

(or something similar to try and encourage more love for a higher dollar amount)
I'm sure there's some clever articles around the net about donation 
sites and how to maximize donations. Friends of GNOME is a nice set of 
pages, but I think more could be done. How about recording a few 
 different people at GUADEC in a quiet room asking them to say how 
much we appreciate donations and what they go for. "I'm Vincent Untz. 
I've been a GNOME developer for the past 8 years. The money you've 
just  donated has helped people like me to maintain the GNOME panel 
and have the opportunity of face to face meetings with other GNOME 
developers. In 2007 we visited a school yadda yadda yadda ... Thank 
you so much for donating to the GNOME Foundation, we really appreciate 
your support". Perhaps a whacky idea :)



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