Re: Foundation Spokespeople (was FW: "Private Foundation-List" Petition for referendum)


Pascal Terjan wrote:
I agree, but publicly stating that the mailer provided by GNOME is « buggy and
unreliable, and makes it pretty much impossible for me to get work done » would
not be something I expect from someone in this role. That gives a nice quote to
I admit it's been a while since I've used Evolution, but last time I
did, it was also mostly true.

It reminded me of when I had to use Lotus Notes for email at work.
Thunderbird is much nicer.

I'd actually like to see a plain old email client (à la Thunderbird or
maybe Anjal) become the official GNOME email client. Every time I ask,
it seems like the majority of GNOME hackers don't use & don't like
evolution - they prefer Thunderbird, Balsa, sylpheed, mutt or some other
email client - or they use gmail.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org

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