Social Media Metrics

Hey Stormy:

Thanks for working on our social media strategy. Some informations helping us to build our social media 

1. Let's start with a qualified social media monitoring at

- HowSociable? / socialmention about social web-impact
- Google Blog-Search / Technorati about weblog-presence
- Twitter Search / about microblogging-Presence

The results help us to know how visable we are right now, how strong is our influence and where are our real 
issues, including

No. of bloggers/blogs
No. of tweetizien/tweets 
No. of pictures/videos/bookmarks

At this step it is interessting to know about

* the number of posts about and around our project
* ratio of posts/mentions/discussions engaged in GNOME vs. not

* the ratio of positive/negative/neutral posts (brand affinity)
* the share of conversation in social media networks

* how GNOME website traffic from social content converts and behaves
* how social media impacts to "friend of GNOME", members of projects, support etc. 

2. Our next steps are the 

- the Gnome social media targets
- the Gnome social media process

- Who are our interesting stakeholders, we want to reach, contact and communicate with?
- What are our goals till 6, 12, 24 month (social media isn't working in monthly/quartely reportings)?
- When we can reach our stakeholders (users at daytime?, devs at nighttime? (US-timezones, 
EU/Africa-timezones, APAC-timezones) 
- Where we can reach our stakeholders (identity/communication networks, publication networks, business 
- How we can post/comment/discuss with our stakeholders (blogrolls/comments/direct messages)?

- Why it is interessting/importing for our stakeholders to share with us as "fans" and "friends"?
- Wherefrom ist this interessting of our stakeholders?

(7 leading questions of journalism)

3. We should differentiate between working with

- identity/communication networks, like Facebook (Int.)
- publication networks, like (US/Int.) / Twitter (EU)
- business networks, like LinkedIn (US/Int.) / XING (EU/DE)

4. The confidence building-process can help us to choose social networks for our different "jobs"

1st step: attention - publication networks

2nd step: interesst - publication networks 
(YouTube (videos), Flickr (photos), Scribd (documents), Slideshare (presentations), Delicios (bookmarks), 
Digg (linked news)

3rd step: publicity - communication networks 
(Facebook) + business networks (LinkedIn/XING)

4th step: conversation - direct messages
(Identica/Twitter), micromemes (FriendFeed)

5th step: intimacy - tweets, postings, RSS-feeds
(continued presence at social media services/networks) 

6th step: trust - will be donated by our stakeholdes

If we are working with social media services a social media newsroom will help us to bundle all our 
engagement to media and other interested stakeholders. 

Thats all for today from Berlin/Germany/Europe ;-)


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