Re: Marketing Tasks

I've made an example:

It's simple so anyone can edit it. Colors are not possible I've learned.

If you think that wouldn't work, let me know and I delete it.

Best regards,

On Thu, 2009-06-25 at 15:06 -0500, Paul Cutler wrote:
I had to sit on a conference call for an hour, so while I did that, I
took a first pass at a new list:

All I've done so far is take the template from the GNOME Release team,
and delete some extra information they had in the notes.  I left in
all the stable and unstable releases for 2.27 and 2.29 as a reference
on when our products are actually released.

We need to agree on what our action items are, who is volunteering to
work on them, and start migrating the content in the bullets above the
release calendar into the calendar itself.


On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Claus Schwarm
<clschwarm googlemail com> wrote:
        I'm not saying we should use the template of the release team
        -- that's
        clearly over-engineered. :-)
        A simple list like the one for the GnomeWeb is sufficient.
        Headers and
        bullet points. Shouldn't take more than an hour or two to move
        (But yes, it would be nice if someone could volunteer for
        I think it would also work for campaigns. The beginning of a
        campaign is usually the end of the old one, if they both use
        the same
        resource. If they don't, a clean-up day for the old campaign
        needs to be
        scheduled, anyway.
        Best regards,
        On Thu, 2009-06-25 at 10:53 -0500, Paul Cutler wrote:
        > Two things - I looked at the wiki markup and ran away as
        fast as I
        > could.  I need help with this, I'm not an expert MoinMoin
        user, and
        > even though we have a template for this from the Release &
        Web teams,
        > it's going to take someone a few hours to get this done.
         You're right
        > though, it would be a good thing to be consistent with what
        > Release & Web teams are using.  The second question I had
        was would
        > this work for campaigns?  I'm thinking we have to clearly
        define the
        > time period when we do the work, as well as the beginning
        and end of a
        > campaign.  Or am I overthinking this?
        > Any volunteers?  This needs to be more than a one person
        > Paul
        > On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 5:25 AM, Claus Schwarm
        > <clschwarm googlemail com> wrote:
        >         I like your idea of organizing tasks due to due
        >         But why don't we just sync with the regular release
        >         I've seen
        >         something like this for the GnomeWeb here:
        >         And I like it. It's easy to pick the dates one wants
        to care
        >         about.
        >         This gives us also the opportunity to have a sort of
        >         so making
        >         a new schedule for the next release is simply a
        matter of
        >         copy'n'paste
        >         instead of having someone re-collect all the data
        every year.
        >         For
        >         example, I didn't see the dates for making the
        release notes
        >         in your
        >         task calender.
        >         So, I'd suggest we drop
        >         and start something like this
        >         This may also help us to figure out what tasks need
        to be done
        >         before
        >         other tasks. Maybe we can use colors to distinguish
        >         certain
        >         classes of tasks if that's needed.
        >         I'd also suggest to delete items on the task list
        that are
        >         done. For
        >         example, the brochure for sponsors is done, AFAIK.
        There's no
        >         need to
        >         keep it one the list, then.
        >         Best regards,
        >         Claus
        >         On Wed, 2009-06-24 at 22:12 -0500, Paul Cutler
        >         > Hi Marketing Team,
        >         >
        >         > I don't know if anyone has had an opportunity
        lately to
        >         review the
        >         > list of Tasks on the Marketing page on at
        >         >  There
        are a lot
        >         of great
        >         > ideas, and it's organized by active tasks,
        non-active and
        >         then by
        >         > one-time tasks and ongoing tasks.
        >         >
        >         > It can be a bit overwhelming browsing through
        everything we
        >         want to
        >         > do!
        >         >
        >         > I don't know about you, but I organize stuff a
        >         differently, and
        >         > I'm a little more goal oriented, so I re-organized
        some of
        >         the tasks
        >         > and tried to assign due dates.  You can review at
        >         >
        >         >
        >         > I've also continued to work on GNOME 3.0
        Marketing.  A
        >         couple days ago
        >         > I posted a link to some potential campaign ideas,
        and that
        >         ties to
        >         > marketing calendar I've started in  It
        >         includes
        >         > potential marketing vehicles and outlines
        development time
        >         for the
        >         > various vehicles and launch dates.  The download
        link is
        >         posted on
        >         >
        >         >
        >         > Help I need from the marketing team:
        >         >
        >         > * Review the marketing campaign ideas and give
        >         > (
        >         > * Review the marketing calendar and give feedback
        >         > (
        (What is
        >         missing?  Do
        >         > we have enough time built in for planning and
        >         these
        >         > activities?  Are they the right activities, and
        what you
        >         recommend?)
        >         > * Review the current task list
        >         > (  (Is
        it up to
        >         date?  If
        >         > your name is on something, are you still working
        on it?
        >          What else
        >         > should we be thinking about?)
        >         > * Review the 2009 tasks
        >         >
        ( (Are
        >         > they prioritized correctly, or should some tasks
        >         months?  What
        >         > else would you want to add?  Change?)
        >         >
        >         > They're wiki pages, so please feel free to edit,
        or give
        >         feedback via
        >         > email.
        >         >
        >         > Thanks!
        >         >
        >         > Paul
        >         > --
        >         > marketing-list mailing list
        >         > marketing-list gnome org
        >         >

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