Re: survey Friends of GNOME donors

Stormy Peters wrote:
With that in mind, I thought we could easily survey Friends of GNOME folks. If we did a 3 minute survey every year, I don't think it would be intrusive.
Here's my first pass.

1. Are you ... (check all that apply)
- GNOME user
- GNOME developer
- GNOME contributor (event planning, documentation, translation, web page creation, ...)
- GNOME Foundation member
- GNOME fan
- Other ______________
I became a bit hesitant when I ran through this question. What's the 
difference between a developer and a contributor?
Are developers only coders, or do you mean non-core module (3rd party) 
application developers?
If I'm a artist, do I count as a developer or a contributor, or both?

In general the survey looks good (after John's and yours edits). Great initiative!
- Andreas
- Andreas

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