Re: GNOME voted "Favorite Desktop Environment" 2009

Yes, absolutely.

This is social proof for current GNOME users, for current third-party
developers, and Linux distributions like Ubuntu and Fedora -- reassuring
them all they made the right decision, when they choose GNOME.

It's also social proof for undecided users, third-party developers, and
distributions, making them curious, maybe, so they reconsider their
current usage of other desktops.

It's also a small triumph for GNOME developers and volunteers. In polls
made some years ago, we just got 30-35 percent of the votes. This
improvement is something to be happy about, isn't it?

I'm really wondering why noone shouted "PARTY!" yet. ;-)

Seriously, a blog post or two would be nice, also an update of the wgo

Best regards,

On Thu, 2009-05-28 at 14:43 -0500, Brian Cameron wrote:

Might it be good to publicize this somehow, perhaps putting some NEWS
about it on the GNOME website?


in the Readers' Choice Awards 2009 by the Linux Journal:

For the Reddit users, here's the entry if you feel like upvoting the

Best regards,

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