Re: Friends of GNOME mailing list


When we created the new Friends of GNOME web pages we decided not to ask people if they wanted to sign up for a mailing list and instead direct them to the Foundation list.
I think we should at least ask them if it's ok to contact them in the 
future. We may want to contact them about surveys, campaigns, petitions, ...
I agree.

To me, it sounds more like the former.  Though having a more general
user forum for users to interact might also be useful as a separate

While nobody wrote back to opt out when I sent out the survey, I'd feel better if they'd said it was ok to email them.
Also, given that 97% of them are not GNOME contributors, it may make 
more sense to have a list for them that's more "GNOME fan" based than 
GNOME announce.
So, you are thinking of an unmoderated list where users can talk with
each other about GNOME topics.  This seems a good idea.

However, it might also be good to have a low-traffic moderated or
announce list where we notify users of exciting news about GNOME and
opportunities to get involved (e.g. surveys, campaigns and petitions as
you mention above).  This way people who want to keep in touch with us,
but who do not want to participate on a higher traffic list also have an

Obviously, for it to be successful, we'd need to make sure we make good
use of it and do not allow it to drop into disuse.  But, considering
how effective we have been about our quarterly reports, this seems like
it should not be a big concern.



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