Re: Different subscription amounts for Friends of GNOME

Done. The changes are live now


Are you going to publish the august results of the donations soon


On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 15:09, Stormy Peters<stormy gnome org> wrote:
I think it's ok to leave the program at $10 or more and yet make the default


On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 2:25 AM, Jaap A. Haitsma <jaap haitsma org> wrote:
On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 19:50, Stormy Peters<stormy gnome org> wrote:
Guy, Jaap,

Thanks so much for enabling people to sign up with varying amounts. This
probably the single most requested feature in the Friends sign up

Two requests:
- Can we change the default to $25?
- Can we move the $ to before the input field?

Will do that probably in the coming weekend. Do you also want to
change the text on
Now it says 10$ or more. It's a bit weird that the default is then
25$, we might confuse people


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