Re: GNOME ad in Linux User and Developer Magazine

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org>
Linux User and Developer Magazine has offered us free ad space.

Does anyone have some ideas for cool ads? I have the specs fro
anyone that
is interested in working on it. This is a great opportunity for us
to take
advantage of!

I'm happy to help whoever works on it. I think I'd be most help
thinking of
topics and themes, not designing the actual ad.

Not sure if they're on the GNOME Marketing list, but Jimmac and Máirín
Duffy leap to mind as people who'd be good to enlist on this.

What's the deadline for ad copy / material?
I'm happy to do the design work if you folks can help me come up with
the topic/theme.

Do we have any specs from Linux User & Developer on the ad size / colors
allowed / what file format they prefer / etc?


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