Re: Friends of GNOME December & January Data

Why not publish these things on the foundation blog. Because my
experience is that these things don't work well if multiple people
have to to it

If I were you I'd post the weekly updates you do also on that blog.

I believe that that blog is not on planet GNOME for some weird reason.


On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 19:58, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org> wrote:

On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Jaap A. Haitsma <jaap haitsma org> wrote:
Hi Stormy,

I suggest you post these updates also to your blog as that probably
leads to much more traffic to friends of GNOME instead of posting it
I'd prefer that we had different people blog it every month. I don't really
want to promote this every month on my personal blog. (I have lots of
non-GNOME friends and people that read my blog and I think this is like
asking them for money every month and I already feel like I do that. :)


Maybe also nice if you can approach some friendly journalist that
write an article about Friends of GNOME program etc. etc.
I think we have a couple on this list ... all of us should talk about
Friends of GNOME whenever we can. And help others in the community to do so
as well.


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