Now that we have CiviCRM installed on (yeah! thanks, Jeff!), we need to set it up for our use cases.
I created a document with some of the work flows and data structures I think we need[1].
Please REVIEW THE DOCUMENT and see if there are any other use cases that should be added. (If you have experience setting up data like this, let me know. Otherwise I'm going to ask the CiviCRM folks for help.)
Here's the text. Feel free to edit the wiki directly or respond in this email.
Work Processes
- Adding a new CRM administrator or user
- Adding a new contact
- New GNOME Foundation member
- New sponsor contact
- New donor
- Importing an address-book, and filtering GNOME contacts from non-GNOME contacts
- Associating a new event (IM conversation or mail) with a contact
- Receiving a notification when a contact you’re related to has some new content added (being able to watch people or groups of people)
- Automated mailings to donors (different steps might be done by different people)
- get info from Paypal
- thank them
- send receipts
- Send list of gifts to be sent to donors to the people that send them (Some like the Friends of GNOME tshirts need to be sent a year after they sign up if they've continued to give every month.)
- Print addresses for gifts that need to be sent.
- Track that they might be sent out
- List advisory board members and last date of contact.
- Generate a list of donor names that should be listed on the website (everyone that's donated that's not anonymous.) Optionally say “everyone in the last two yearsâ€.
- Generate the data we need for the Friends of GNOME report. Donations broken down by one time vs subscribers, # of active subscribers, broken down by month.
- Email all current Friend of GNOME subscribers.
- Email all the people that have donated in the past x years.
- Email all current Friend of GNOME subscribers that have given us permission.
- Email all the people that have donated in the past x years that have given us permission.
- Import data for Friends of GNOME from Paypal
- Track volunteer time (maybe later)
- Track events
- Associate people with events
- track volunteers working on the event
- Allow members to create their own personal fundraising pages linked to an organization campaign. Supporters add their own add content, and can choose to include a progress bar and an 'honor roll' of contributors. Supporters are given 'soft credit' for each contribution that comes in through their fundraising page."
- Track GNOME Travel committee process
- Allow people to apply for travel sponsorship (see travel sponsorship form for fields needed)
- Associate with an event
- Track who needs to approve
- Track approval
- Notify person that applied of status (Or at least let them check)
- Attach receipts
- Mark that payment has been done
Data Fields and Types
- People
- name
- email address
- address
- GNOME Foundation member
- yes/no
- date joined
- date expiring
- who vouched for them
- email address (generated? If so what is it?)
- Git account (need to create? If done, what is it?)
- team(s) they are on (marketing, release, board, documentation, advisory board member, employee…)
- Company (important for advisory board members but interesting for others)
- name of company
- role in company
- Friend of GNOME
- yes/no
- records of donations and dates
- subscriber?
- Date subscription started (note there might be multiple subscriptions from Paypal for one subscription. If there credit card changes, they have to resubscribe.)
- date subscription cancelled
- length of active subscription, regardless of how many subscriptions
- active
- gifts owed, gifts received, dates gifts sent
- anonymous?
- Ok to email?
- Action items
- who owns it
- who all is working on it
- what team it belongs to (maybe a category?)
- who is depending on it
- date created
- date due
- who created it
- notes
- Company
- Name of the company
- link to contacts
- contact info:
- date contacted
- who contacted them
- notes
- potential sponsor/sponsor
- advisory board member
- yes/no
- advisory board reps (links to people)
- donations, list of donations, amount and purpose
- employees involved in the GNOME Foundation (links)
- payments due (can we tie to invoices?)
- donations/payments
- from who (company or individual)
- amount
- gift(s) owed
- gift(s) sent
- Inventory
- what (tshirts, banners, event box, stickers, …)
- amount
- who has it
- Events
- date
- volunteers (links to people)
- name
- location
- status (proposed, planning, now, done)
- type of event (hackfest, conference, local event, etc)
sponsors & amounts, and whether or not the money has come in
Groups & Tags
You will need to organize your contacts, and categorise them into subsets. No matter how well your plan this, you will have to create new categories as your organisation (and how you use your CRM) evolves. You can use either groups or tags or custom fields to categorise your contacts. Get yourself familiar with these, so you are able to choose the best option for your situation. Tags are the simplest form of categorization. Groups can be used for mailing lists and can be restricted via access control, or used to grant access. Custom fields can be used to store arbitrary data about your contacts.
I'm not sure how we want to do this. I can see groups around types of people and types of projects/teams.