Fwd: numbers from GCDS
- From: Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org>
- To: GNOME Marketing List <marketing-list gnome org>
- Subject: Fwd: numbers from GCDS
- Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 13:56:41 -0600
I think web hits is something we vastly under-emphasize in both GUADEC
and GNOME sponsorships.
As we think about sponsorship levels and logo placements on our
website, I think we should think about these numbers and include them
in any offers.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Agustín Benito Bethencourt (Toscalix)
Date: 2010/5/29
Subject: numbers from GCDS
To: Stormy Peters
more numbers... apart from those on my blog.
After the event, we have had 1.9 mill hits (250 thousand visitors). Another
4.8 mill hits before or during the event (1.8 mill hits during the event)and
150 thousand different visitors
April 2010: 19 thousand different visitors
ASOLIF website (one of the organizers, the one I work for) increased the hits
on its website 200% in july 2009 because of the event.
If you search in english in Google Gran Canaria the event webpage is among the
first 30. during the event was among the first 10.
How much money do Public Administrations and touristic comapnies in GC spend
in web promotion (having in consideration the web is the the second channel
for bringing tourists: almost 4 million per year)? I would say a couple of
millions, at least.
December 2008
Boards visit to Gran Canaria
Official dates announcement
Linux.com: http://www.linux.com/feed/154712
Nabble: http://www.nabble.com/Gran-Canaria-Desktop-Summit-2009-to-be-held-
Fresoftnews: http://freesoftnews.com/archives/12432
Linux Pro Magazine:
LXer: http://lxer.com/module/newswire/search.php?search_terms=akademy
Ostatic: http://ostatic.com/blog/gran-canaria-desktop-summit-2009-guadec-and-
Pro-liunx: http://www.grancanariacb.com/web/en/6-8b.php?YEAR_SEARCH=2009
It investors journal: http://itinvestorsjournal.org/feed/154712?theme=print
lwn: http://lwn.net/Articles/308679/
Isla canaria (alemán): http://www.islacanaria.net/tag/gran-canaria-desktop-
Las palmas 24: http://www.las-palmas-24.com/index.php?gran-canaria-desktop-
Linux magazine (german): http://www.linux-
Heise (alemán): http://www.heise.de/open/Gemeinsames-KDE-und-Gnome-
In the wiki of the event you can find more....
= Press Covert =
[chronological order]
* '''Canarias7.es''' - 16/12/2008
[http://www.canarias7.es/articulo.cfm?id=117058] - Canarias acogerá el mayor
congreso de 'software' libre.
* '''Canarias7.es''' - 17/12/2008
[http://www.canarias7.es/blogs/atarecos/2008/12/en_julio_de_200.html] - Gran
Canaria Desktop Summit 2009.
* '''Linotipo''' - 17/12/2008 [http://rvr.typepad.com/linotipo/2008/12/gran-
canaria-desktop-summit-2009.html] - Gran Canaria Desktop Summit 2009.
* '''GULIC.org''' - 04/01/2009 [http://www.gulic.org/node/1107] - Gran Canaria
Desktop Summit: GUADEC + Akademy 2009.
* '''ASOLIF''' - 13/04/2009 [http://www.asolif.org/?page=gcds] - Gran Canaria
Desktop Summit: GUADEC+Akademy 2009.
* '''archipielagonoticias.com''' - 20/06/2009
[http://www.archipielagonoticias.com/content/view/14514/67/] - 'Gran Canaria
Desktop Summit 2009' convertirá la isla "en centro mundial del software
* '''EuropaPress''' - 20/06/2009 [http://www.europapress.es/islas-
centro-mundial-software-libre-20090620114325.html] - El congreso 'Gran Canaria
Desktop Summit 2009' convertirá a la isla "en el centro mundial del software
* '''/dev/null ''' - 20/06/2009 [http://devnull.blogs.banot.net/node/55] - La
Gran Canaria Desktop Summit te necesita.
* '''Canariasahora.es''' - 20/06/2009
[http://www.canariasahora.es/noticia/76529/] - Gran Canaria, centro mundial
del software libre.
* '''Terra Noticias''' - 20/06/2009
libre.aspx] - El congreso 'Gran Canaria Desktop Summit 2009' convertirá a la
isla 'en el centro mundial del software libre'.
* '''ULPGC''' - 23/06/2009
[http://www.ulpgc.es/index.php?pagina=noticia&ver=desktop_230609] -
Presentación del ‘Gran Canaria Desktop Summit 2009’ en la ULPGC.
* '''Canarias7.es''' - 23/06/2009
[http://www.canarias7.es/articulo.cfm?Id=133153] - Presentación del Gran
Canaria Desktop Summit 2009 en la ULPGC.
* '''Auditorio Alfredo Kraus''' - 30/06/2009
[http://www.canariasaldia.com/noticia.php?noticia_id=137033] - Gran Canaria
Desktop Summit 2009.
* '''gentedigital.es''' - 03/07/2009 [http://www.gentedigital.es/las-palmas-
el-congreso-desktop-summit-2009-de-software-libre/] - Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria acogerá desde mañana el congreso 'Desktop Summit 2009' de software
* '''Finanzas.com''' - 03/07/2009
canaria-acogera-desde.html] - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria acogerá desde mañana
el congreso 'Desktop Summit 2009' de software libre.
* '''Canarias7.es''' 03/07/09 [http://www.canarias7.es/articulo.cfm?Id=133984]
- Rueda de prensa previa al evento
* '''Canarias7.es''' - 04/07/2009
[http://www.canarias7.es/articulo.cfm?Id=134239] - Moreno inaugura el Congreso
Gran Canaria Desktop Summit con 1.000 programadores de todo el mundo
* '''Canariasaldia.com''' - 04/07/2009
[http://www.canariasaldia.com/noticia.php?noticia_id=137033] - Gran Canaria
Desktop Summit.
* '''EuropaPress''' - 04/07/2009 [http://www.europapress.es/islas-
marcar-antes-despues-software-libre-20090704124220.html] - 'GCDS' reúne a un
millar de personas y aspira a marcar "un antes y un después" en software
* '''Linux Magazine''' (Germany) - 04/07/2009 [http://www.linux-
Schoolchildren] - Gran Canaria Desktop Summit: Saints, Gentlemen and
* '''Linux Magazine''' - 04/07/2009 [http://www.linux-
Integrated-Desktop] - Gran Canaria Desktop Summit: Akonadi for the Integrated
* '''EuropaPress''' - 04/07/2009 [http://es.noticias.yahoo.com/5/20090704/tsc-
las-palmas-de-gran-canaria-acoger-de-dd824b6.html] - Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria acogerá desde hoy el congreso 'Desktop Summit 2009' de software libre.
* '''Canarias7.es''' 04/07/09 -
[http://www.canarias7.es/articulo.cfm?Id=134239] - Inauguración
* '''Canariasahora.es''' - 04/07/2009
[http://www.canariasahora.es/noticia/78207/] - El software libre, protagonista
en el 'Gran Canaria Desktop Summit 2009'.
* '''EcoDiario''' - 04/07/2009
libre.html] - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria acogerá desde hoy el congreso
'Desktop Summit 2009' de software libre.
* '''La Provincia''' - 05/07/2009
y-Futuro-Stallman-Regalar-portatil-Windows-malevolo] - Stallman: ´Regalar un
portátil con Windows es malévolo´.
* '''Barrapunto''' - 05/07/2009 [
http://eventos.barrapunto.com/article.pl?sid=09/07/05/1428255] - Comienza el
* '''newinfo2day.com''' - 05/07/2009
begun/] - The Gran Canaria Desktop Summit has begun!.
* '''Canarias7.es''' - 06/07/2009
[http://www.canarias7.es/articulo.cfm?Id=134317] - El gurú del software libre
evangeliza en el 'GC Desktop Summit 2009'.
* '''Linux.com''' - 06/07/2009
summit-opens] - Gran Canaria Desktop Summit Opens.
* '''Linux Today''' - 06/07/2009
[http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2009-07-06-004-35-NW-GN-KE] -
Gran Canaria Desktop Summit: KDE and Gnome Formulate Common Goals.
* '''Linux Magazine''' (Brasil) - 07/07/2009 [http://www.linux-
magazine.com.br/noticia/cobertura_internacional_gran_canaria_desktop_summit] -
Cobertura internacional: Gran Canaria Desktop Summit.
* '''KDE News''' - 07/07/2009 [http://dot.kde.org/2009/07/07/day-2-gran-
canaria-desktop-summit] - Day 2 at Gran Canaria Desktop Summit.
* '''COMPUTER WORLD UK''' - 07/07/2009
- Gran Canaria Desktop Summit: a Study in Contrasts.
* '''Teldeactualidad.com''' - 08/07/2009
- Software libre en Canarias.
* '''ABC''' - 08/07/09
- Rueda de prensa de los representantes de empresas de software libre
* '''soitu.es''' - 08/07/2009
- Asociaciones afirman que los portátiles educativos son una oportunidad para
extender el software libre.
* '''diariodesevilla.es''' - 09/07/2009
- El software libre busca su oportunidad en los portátiles educativos.
* '''Linux Magazine (Germany)''' - 09/07/2009 [http://www.linux-
magazine.com/Online/News/Video-Keynote-Conference-at-the-Desktop-Summit] -
Video: Keynote Conference at the Desktop Summit.
* '''Linux Magazine (Germany)''' - 09/07/2009 [http://www.linux-
magazine.com/Online/News/Video-Stallman-on-DRM-Patents-and-C] - Video:
Stallman on DRM, Patents and C #.
* '''Linux Magazine''' (Germany) - 09/07/2009 [http://www.linux-
magazine.com/Online/News/Akademy-Awards-2009-Winners-Announced] - Akademy
Awards 2009 – Winners Announced.
* '''GNOME.org''' - 09/07/2009
[http://blogs.gnome.org/metacity/2009/07/09/notes-from-gran-canaria/] - Notes
from Gran Canaria.
* '''Canarias7.es''' - 09/07/2009
[http://www.canarias7.es/articulo.cfm?id=134644] - Gran Canaria conoce las mil
y una ventajas del software libre.
* '''Canarias Al Día''' - 09/07/09
Rueda de prensa de ASOLIF.
* '''Diario de Sevilla''' - 09/07/09
Rueda de prensa de ASOLIF.
* '''Computer World''' - 10/07/09 [http://www.idg.es/computerworld/Se-
tecnologia/noticia-82967] - Presentación del producto de Isotrol
* '''Silicon Island''' - 11/07/2009
[http://aruiz.typepad.com/siliconisland/2009/07/gcds-is-over.html] - GCDS is
* '''OSL ULPGC''' - 11/07/2009 [http://www.softwarelibre.ulpgc.es/node/57] -
Finaliza el Gran Canaria Desktop Summit 2009.
* '''sanborondon.info''' - 12/07/2009
[http://www.sanborondon.info/content/view/15247/1/] - Roberto Moreno anuncia
nuevas iniciativas a favor del 'software' libre tras el "éxito" del Gran
Canaria Desktop Summit.
* '''regiondigital.com''' - 13/07/2009
- Desde el sector español del "software libre", se ha destacado que su
expansión minimizaría las crisis globalizadas.
* '''Trueg’s Blog''' - 13/07/2009 [http://trueg.wordpress.com/2009/07/13/gran-
canaria-desktop-summit-2009-the-nepomuk-perspective/] -Gran Canaria Desktop
Summit 2009 – The Nepomuk Perspective.
* '''Linux Magazine''' (Germany) - 13/07/2009 [http://www.linux-
magazine.com/Online/News/Open-PC-Taylor-Made-Linux-Hardware] - Open PC:
Taylor-Made Linux Hardware.
* '''Linux Magazine''' - 14/07/2009 [http://www.linux-
Netbook-UI-and-Qt-KDE-Lab-in-South-America] - Gran Canaria Desktop Summit
Review: Video of Plasma Netbook UI and Qt KDE Lab in South America.
* '''KDE News''' - 14/07/2009 [http://dot.kde.org/2009/07/14/vibrant-
community-propels-kde-forward-akademy-2009] - Vibrant Community Propels KDE
Forward at Akademy 2009.
* '''FayerWayer''' - 14/07/2009 [http://www.fayerwayer.com/2009/07/mark-
shuttleworth-habla-sobre-ubuntu-y-su-futuro/] - Mark Shuttleworth habla sobre
Ubuntu y su futuro.
* '''La Provincia''' - 15/07/2009
Para-implantar-software-libre-ahora-nunca] - Para implantar software libre es
el ahora o nunca.
* '''Monotonous.org''' - 16/07/2009 [Mono And Virgins] - Mono And Virgins.
* '''KDE News''' - 16/07/2009 [http://dot.kde.org/2009/07/16/business-free] -
The Business Of Free.
* '''KDE News''' - 23/07/2009 [http://dot.kde.org/2009/07/23/akademy-es-2009]
- Akademy-es 2009.
* '''KDE News''' - 06/08/2009 [http://dot.kde.org/2009/08/06/free-desktop-
communities-come-together-gran-canaria-desktop-summit] -Free Desktop
Communities come together at the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit.
Agustín Benito Bethencourt (toscalix)
Agustín Benito Bethencourt (toscalix)
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