How abt using this as an avenue to further ur idea abt engaging users.
How about we create a plan for facebook and we could do the following:
- Contests (what I don't know)
  - how I use gnome
  - what's cool abt gnome
  - I showed gnome to my mother/friend/teacher ande this is what he/she said
- we could definitely run some quiz (and give gnome shirts as prizes) - maybe on a monthly basis
- seek feedback
We can try to do the same on linkedin.
My 2 cents
On 2010-03-17 3:31 PM, "Stormy Peters" <stormy gnome org> wrote:
Hi GNOME Marketing folks,
I think we are missing an opportunity to reach out to our users via Facebook - see the stats below. 6,464 fans!!!
I also attached a couple of screenshots of our "insights". It was interesting to see how the interactive fans compared to all the fans as a whole.
I don't think we should immediately go on Facebook and ask for money. I do think we should figure out how to more actively engage these folks. At the very least we should monitor the page and comment on people's posts. We could also test out marketing campaigns, myths and myth busters for GNOME 3.
So if you aren't on the page[1], go join. Especially if you are an active Facebook member. Then take a few minutes to read through, comment on people's posts, and think about how we can actively engage with these folks.
Here is this week's summary for the Facebook Page: GNOME
+66 Fans this week (6,464 total Fans)
15 Wall Posts, Comments, and Likes this week (10 last week)
478 Visits to your page this week (485 Visits last week)
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