Re: Guadec and Dutch government plans for OSS and desktop

Hi Brian,

We've had contact briefly about usabillity. I agree with you that this is something that would be of interest for any government, and I want to have a talk about this in the pre-conference. Can you help me getting the GNOME people who are knowledgable about this to prepare something for the pre-conference? That would be really great. I've also had contact with your Colleague Willie Walker (who pointed me to Javier Martinez) about this. I'm hoping I can get someone from ONCE to talk about this as well.
dutch team
Brian Cameron schreef:

One thing that I notice is that your document makes no mention of
accessibility.  Many governments are interested in supporting
workers, citizens and students who are disabled.  GNOME provides,
at no cost, a wide range of accessibility support for users who are
blind, have vision problems, and have mobility impairments.  No
other free desktop yet provides the support that GNOME provides at
no cost.

Note that proprietary solutions for the disabled can be very expensive.
To make a computer using a proprietary operating system support the
same degree of accessibility support that is provided at no charge with
GNOME, it is often necessary to spend thousands of dollars purchasing
additional software needed to provide this sort of functionality.

I would think this would be of interest to any government.


I've made a post before where I addressed the Dutch' government plans
for OSS in their desktop. As Guadec will be in holland this year, the
organisation is aiming to have one or a view sessions about OSS in
public intstitutions. The government just released a consultation asking
for feedback about their plans.

The document and interaction with government could provide several
-It could give vital information about preconditions to target
government markets.
-Gnome could give an official reaction to them (before the end of march)
or later in a technical magazine or webzine to praise the merits of the
plans and criticize weaknesses, and showing themselves as a serious
-Could provide an opportunity for exposure as a lot of magazines might
be interested in Gnome's thoughts about this.
-resulting in Buzz, exposure, increased opportunities for Guadec
fundraising, etc. etc.

You decide, here it is. It's in dutch. If you think this could be
interesting, let me know, so we might have someone translate it.


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