Re: Joining Gnome

On Fri, 2010-05-14 at 15:05 -0300, Eder Marques wrote:
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I am Eder L. Marques from Brazil, aka frolic, and I am a member of
Debian Community, acting as sysadmin/security analyst for the last 10 years.

Currently I am involved with i10n/i18n in Debian. I would like to get
involved with gnome project. My academic background (BA and MSc) is
focused on Management, so I may I can contribute a little with gnome
marketing, specially in Brazil.


- -- 
Eder L. Marques

Welcome!  Now is a great time to get involved with the marketing team.
We just wrapped up a hackfest a week ago to start laying our plans for
marketing GNOME 3.0 later this year and we have lots of ideas and tasks
for everyone to get involved in.

I'd recommend reviewing some of the content on the GNOME Marketing wiki
page[1] and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.



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