Re: GNOME Free Agent T-shirt Proposal


I like it. I could even imagine you could use that concept with other
organizations too.
+1.  It's nice to make t-shirts to highlight our positive relationships
with various organizations.

What's the plan for distributing it?
I'd like to get this done before GUADEC so that the tshirt could be made
available for sale at the event.  I would like to give tshirts away to
GNOME volunteers who are not employed to work on GNOME, and sell it to
those GNOME folks who have a job working on GNOME.  This would be a nice
reward for GNOME volunteers, and those with jobs can subsidize the
costs.  So I think the t-shirt will be a little expensive, with the
understanding that the proceeds are going to promote a good cause (e.g.
promoting GNOME volunteers who dedicate their time & energy to GNOME
without having a job providing income for doing the work).


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 7:59 PM, Brian Cameron <brian cameron oracle com
<mailto:brian cameron oracle com>> wrote:

    GNOME Marketing Team:

    On April 6th, I proposed a "GNOME Free Agent" t-shirt which would
    highlight the humanitarian aspects of being a GNOME volunteer.

    I have been working with Mike (Dongyun) Lee and Diki Niwatori to
    put together the attached t-shirt mock-up.  After discussion, we
    decided to make the image mono-color.  While a bit less exciting
    than the full-color version, it is less busy and will be easier
    and less expensive to print.

    Does this look good to people?  Does anyone have any comments
    about the design or how to improve things further?



    On 04/06/10 15:08, Brian Cameron wrote:

        GNOME Marketing Team

        Over the past several months, I have been trading emails with
        the OLPC
        and SugarLabs folks about an opportunity to create a t-shirt to
        promote that GNOME free software benefits humanitarian projects like
        OLPC and Sugar Labs, and to provide a nice reward for volunteers
        the GNOME community. Based on my rough textual design ideas I have
        gotten permission from both OLPC and SugarLabs to go ahead with
        their logos in this way, though they obviously want to review a
        mock-up of what the t-shirt will look like before giving a formal

        So, I have been thinking of creating a "GNOME Free Agent" t-shirt. I
        like this name since "Free Agent" is a fun play on words and can be
        interpreted in different ways including being an independent GNOME

        Dongyun Lee ( does artwork for OLPC and has
        volunteered to provide artwork to use on the t-shirt for no charge
        (though he does want 2 free t-shirts for himself and his wife which
        seems reasonable). Rather than a photograph of children using OLPC
        units (photographs are hard to make look nice on tshirts), he
        using some of his OLPC line art. For example, you can see some
        work he
        did for OLPC here:

        Both Dongyun and myself think this particular image would work
        on a t-shirt:

        Dongyun has volunteered to create some custom artwork for this
        if we can provide direction. Some people I have shown this image to
        think it is a bit too busy, so perhaps something a bit toned
        down would
        be better. Thoughts?

        With the photo would appear the following text:

        [GNOME Logo] Free Software - Powering [OLPC logo] & [Sugar Labs

        Perhaps some additional text under the photograph or under the logo
        would be nice like "Helping previously marginalized children
        the developing world learn, achieve and begin to transform their

        I was thinking that we could make two versions of the t-shirt. One
        version to sell for $20 that has nothing on the back. A second
        will have the following text on the back and would be given away for
        no-charge to volunteers who work on GNOME but do not work for a
        that works on GNOME. People who work on GNOME for a company
        would pay
        $25 for the second version of the tshirt with this text on the back:

        Free Agent
        GNOME Free Software Volunteer

        I am hoping that people on the marketing-list can help with:

        1) What do people think of this proposal? Any ideas on how to
        improve it?
        2) As I mention above, Dongyun is agreeable to creating an image
        is more focused on the relationship between GNOME, SugarLabs, and
        OLPC. Any ideas or direction that we could give to Dongyun would
        be helpful.
        3) Perhaps the proposed image above is a bit too busy. Do people
        suggestions on whether the image created for this t-shirt should be
        changed? Should less colors be used for an image intended for a
        t-shirt, for example?
        4) I need someone with graphic design skills to put together a mock
        up image of the t-shirt to help facilitate moving this forward.
        Can anyone help?



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