Re: GNOME Free Agent T-shirt Proposal


Well, we can certainly fix it up more to encompass what you are
suggesting.  And that suggested text was just a first thought.  But I
would think that whether it stays in the original text or some modified
text, the "reader" would still be more inclined to stop and ask what
thats about.  And thus engage in a conversation with the wearer.  So, if
anything, whatever the text is, it should encourage that conversation to
Ideally the t-shirt should not rely on a viewer needing to engage in a
discussion, though.  It would be ideal if the t-shirt could also spark
enough interest in a viewer to notice the brands and investigate them
further even when there is no opportunity for a conversation.

So, I would appreciate any further thoughts or suggestions on how to
best craft some text to get the right message across.

Though, if we are going to have a tshirt ready for GUADEC, we probably
should figure this out a bit quickly.  I'll give people a deadline of
the end of the week to make suggestions.  I think the existing text is
not bad, and I think it is only worth changing if there is real interest
in discussing this.


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