Re: Urgent - Screenshots needed

On Monday 04 October 2010 17:49:16 Paul Cutler wrote:
Hi GNOME Marketing Team!

I received an email from the Desktop Summit 2011 team late yesterday with
an urgent request for a website they are building targeting the press that
is going up Wed.  From the email:

Could you please help out with two-three screenshots representative for
what GNOME software is about? One for desktop form factor, one for
handheld, one for tablet, perhaps also some demo video embedddable from
vimeo, youtube and similar? Thanks. Idea is to give journalists some
easy-to-pick nice pictures/videos to use in their writings

In general, having a page with some nice screenshots (compare for example what 
KDE has here: ) would be very 
helpful. I am trying to create a 'slideshow' with cool GNOME screenshots but 
there are a few things making it harder:
- no good 'official' screenshots on (that I know off) and most 
screenshots I can find are not with the default GNOME look and feel
- GNOME3 screenshots are a bit outdated.

I have installed a clean GNOME install on openSUSE but that's also not 
vanilla, with the modified panel setup and all. It's fine for openSUSE promo 
purpose, of course - but not for general GNOME. I will share what I have made 
once it is done - but note that it will be openSUSE, not vanilla.

Does anyone have any ideas - screenshots (preferably of GNOME 3.0) - I
think we want to focus on GNOME Shell as that is what will be released by
the time of the Desktop Summit next summer.  Any videos on the GNOME Miro
community? I think we can just focus on the desktop - we don't have a
formal handheld or tablet experience yet.

Thanks for the help - I'll help compile anything we find tonight and
forward it on.


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