Re: FOSSCOMM 2011, May 7th-8th 2011, Patras, Greece

2011/4/16 Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr) <diamond_gr freemail gr>:
Hello friends,

Îœy name is Stathis Iosifidis and I'm from Greece. I'm involved with the
marketing of openSUSE focusing on Greece.

Next month we'll have in Greece the conference called FOSSCOMM

As it says at the FOSSCOMM page, the conference is:
The purpose of the conference is the acquaintance between communities and
groups -research and development- dealing with Free Software both in
Greece and at an international level, the presentation of technological
developments in the field, the presentation of innovative ideas, the
collection of proposals for encouraging and promoting the Free Software/
Open Source Software and facilitating learning through presentations and

The reason I'm writing this main is because I managed to participate Gnome
with a booth and also with a talk (presentation or workshop). The
talk would be about Gnome 3. I'm working on it.

With this mail, I would like to ask if someone else would be in Patras (I
assume Simos will be there) to help me.
I would like someone to help me with the Promo materials that I need.

I will not be able to make it to Patras as it is a bit pricey for me
to travel there.
I cc: the Greek GNOME community ( list if there
are more volunteers
that can make it to the event.

I am happy to help you with the presentation notes for your talk.


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