Re: 2012 conferences...

I don't want to sidetrack the discussion, but I'm curious: Does GNOME
plan to have a presence at the Southern California Linux Expo SCALE
10X next month? SCALE is Jan. 20-22 at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport
hotel and the link is here:

Since you're talking about events, I'm just wondering if that's on your radar.


Larry Cafiero
Publicity co-chair / SCALE 10X

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 10:31 AM, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri ramkrishna me> wrote:

On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 9:47 PM, Brian Cameron <brian cameron oracle com>

Do we have GNOME 3 presentations available on the Wiki?  I looked on
the Presentations page, but the only GNOME 3 talk seems to be the one
Paul Cutler wrote before GNOME 3 was released.  I remember Vincent
having a really nice GNOME 3 talk but am not sure where it might be

I'm pretty sure that I uploaded mine, but it is only for 3.0.  That
presentation only discusses the design and some of the features.  3.4 should
probably focus on the design of the apps that are coming like Pages.  But
also the development platform and how to write good apps in 3.4.

That said, I think Stormy had a decent idea that we should probably only
target tech conferences to talk about the development platform and
participate in other venues to increase GNOME exposure to other group other
than the tech and open source community.


What is your planned topic?  Are you planning to discuss GNOME 3.4
improvements specifically?  It might be nice to take a GNOME 3 talk
and update it to discuss the progression of GNOME through 3.2 and 3.4
and updating the screenshots to better highlight some newer features.

I would like to update the talk for sure for those who want to give it.  I'm
not sure how many I will give this year, but I would like to talk more about
the development platform instead of going over the design, which I think has
had quite a bit of exposure in the tech world.

I opened up this thread to make sure we are communicating what we intend to
do with outreach for this year and set plans and goals.



On 12/22/11 09:15 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

I think we need to start scoping out conferences for the next year and
figure out how we are going to talk about GNOME 3.4.

There are a number of talks I'm thinking of presenting:

1) Open Source Bridge 2nd quarter 2012
2) Northwest Linuxfest 2nd quarte 2012
3) Linuxcon - wherever - 3rd quarter 2012

We should definitely talk about our marketing plans.


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