Re: Speaking opportunity at SVLUG on April 6 about GNOME 3.0

No taker so far, so definitely a little help in that direction will be welcome. And the April 6 slot is still available.
Thanks a lot.


On 02/18/2011 01:48 AM, Stormy Peters wrote:
Did you get anyone? I know Luis Villa is in the area.


On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 8:32 AM, Frederic Muller <fredm gnome org
<mailto:fredm gnome org>> wrote:

    Dear all,

    Checking on the SVLUG schedule it seems April 6 is the date of their
    April's monthly meeting () and the slot is still available. Wouldn't
    it be nice to have someone submit a talk
    ( about GNOME 3.0 and go
    there to present to one of the oldest and largest LUG?

     >From the description "the meetings are 2-hour technical
    presentations for an engineering audience, with Q&A".

    That could also be a could way to promote and launch GNOME 3.0 on
    the West Coast. We can definitely arrange some goodies (from the
    launch parties) to the speaker volunteering to give away on that day.

    Thanks for stepping up or forwarding the information to the relevant
    candidates (and letting us know).

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