Re: Official announcement and invitation to GNOME 3.0 Hackfest and GNOME.Asia Summit 2011

On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 16:04, Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org> wrote:
What's the plan on the marketing team side? Do we have people who can
go? I didn't see any replies on marketing-list to the previous mails,
unless I missed something.

Hey there!

I would really like to go, but at the moment I am worried about how
much it would cost for me to go from Brazil to India. tells
me it is a 27 hours flight with prices from about USD 1800.

Considering that with this amount of money I can almost attend to two
European events, I would rather prefer to meet you guys later in some
closer venue.

-- Vinicius

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