Re: GNOME 3 videos

On 03/05/2011 04:22 PM, Jason D. Clinton wrote:
On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 14:27, will kahn-greene <willg bluesock org> wrote:

This last bit is kind of important.  The last time I checked, you
couldn't access the html5/webm version of YouTube without an account and
without being logged in.

If that's still the case, then I can't do the html5/webm versions on
GNOME Miro Community.

According to this you can force HTML5 with &html5=1 on the video URL in the
IFRAME player:

I tried it on Firefox 4 and it didn't work but it did work on Chrome. The
video I tested was this one:

Can you try it with some existing Miro video from YouTube and see if it
works? Note that you must use the IFRAME player.
To clarify, "Miro" is a desktop media application.  GNOME Miro Community
is a web-site that runs on the Miro Community service.  So "Miro video"
doesn't mean anything to me.

I tested your YouTube video link GNOME Miro Community using the
<iframe...> embed code from that page and it doesn't work--only uses the
Flash Player:

This isn't a problem with GMC.  I have the same problem on a basic web-page:

I went through the support thread at the link above and
fiddled with the <iframe...> code to no avail.  As near as I can tell,
right now you can't embed the html5/webm format.


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