re: Who needs help, with what?

On 09/29/2011 08:00 AM, marketing-list-request gnome org wrote:
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 07:51:46 -0400
From: Emily <emilyyrose gmail com>
To: GnomeMarketing Mailing List <marketing-list gnome org>
Subject: Who needs help, with what?
      <CANB1Rbwjw9hoNadzDaSRMu_XF7c-4_Wun73Zb6G7QELwDOw9qg mail gmail com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi there, I'm trying to jump in and help out with stuff, and have seen a
couple emails over the last couple days about folks no longer working on
certain projects, or needing lots of help, but no real specifics on how
anyone can help. Can everyone submit an email with what their doing and what
they need help with? That way myself and anyone else who is reading can
contact them and we can get things moving again?

What I'm doing: I have cut way down on my GNOME marketing work since my
job went from part-time to full-time (volunteer development coordination
at the Wikimedia Foundation).  So I'm sorry to say that I can't commit
to working on any substantial GNOME marketing or GNOME Journal tasks,
other than helping with handover of stuff I used to work on.

What I need help with:

* Either winding down or transitioning GNOME Journal.

Technical considerations: It's on an *ancient* version of Textpattern.
I've filed a bug to request that it be upgraded or moved to WordPress,
and our sysadmins have never acted on it.

Several articles have already been written or promised.  I believe I've
given all the drafts of already-written articles to Sri.  List:

Right now I think what needs to happen is for Paul to hand over
publishing privileges to Sri, since Sri has the time and the interest,
and Paul doesn't have time.  Some previous discussion:

* GNOME Ambassadors program.  Stormy, Vincent, and I did some thinking
about this at the marketing hackfest in the spring of 2010, but no one
had time to push it.  We basically meant for someone to encourage these
volunteers, mentor them into more frequent speaking engagements, and
leverage them into a marketing army that will get the word out at lots
of local meetups and conferences.  But that leader, IIUC, has not emerged.

Discussion on the list has been pretty quiet, I believe:

Hope this is helpful.

Sumana Harihareswara

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