Nice! The X1 Carbon is quite the machine indeed, the HP that I mentioned would cower in fear next to your computer :)
(It has a "blazing fast" VIA C7 processor...)
I got fedora 18 beta running on my X1 Carbon.. So sweet! It has some performance issues that is related to the driver. I have to bug Fedora QA about it, I think.On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 6:56 AM, Brett Legree <brett legree gmail com> wrote:That sounds great to me, a series of interviews with different types of users would be very interesting - let me know when you're ready for the interview and I'll be happy to help out!
With some luck (crossing fingers) I will have a nice new Fedora 18 Beta on one of my machines (an HP Mini-Note 2133 I use around the house early in the morning) - I left the installer running today as I dashed out the door to drop my four children off at school... !
On Dec 12, 2012 10:45 PM, "Karen Sandler" <karen gnome org> wrote:On Fri, December 7, 2012 10:18 am, Brett Legree wrote:
> Okay, I will write something up (hopefully over the weekend) and I'll
> include a few photos/screenshots - people like that sometimes!
> Yes, Greg was interviewed recently on The Setup
> there he talks about using GNOME on his
> workstation (he is also using
> i3 on another machine along with the GNOME session handling) - which
> reminds me, I must revive my Google+ page that I modeled after this site.
> I've just been too busy having fun doing other stuff.
Greg has agreed to be interviewed for a profile as a GNOME user. I'd love
to line up a few of these, and maybe publish them monthly! I was thinking
- one on gregkh (the serious hacker type) one on Brett (the technically
oriented user) and then do one on someone who's either a designer-type or
non-technical user and then one on a business-y type of user. What do you
guys think?
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