Re: Annual Report Status?


As for the Annual Report, what I'm hearing is a conflict somewhat in
what the vision for the annual report is/should be. Do we want it to be
an overview of what has gone on in GNOME over the last year (or in this
case, two years) - ie the quarterly reports condensed into one report?
Or do we want to focus on one or two 'important' areas of each teams
work for the last year? I can see the benefits to each vision, and I'm
honestly not sure which one is preferable, although I lean towards the
The same answer may not be the right answer for all GNOME teams.  The
production of reports is very dependent on volunteer effort, so I think
it is good to have a process that gives project teams some flexibility.

Ultimately we want to communicate that we are a vibrant and productive
community with a strong, positive vision.  To do this, we do not need
to include updates from every team, but focus on the ones that make a
strong impact.

The only real problem I see with it is time - if we want to get the
annual report out within the next month, the second route will be much
harder to accomplish. I think I should be able to read through the
quarterly reports and hash something together for each team fairly easy
in the next couple weeks, but writing completely new content/articles
will take longer. Alternatively we can start contacting the bloggers as
suggested by Dave and see if any of them would be willing to contribute,
and go from there.
I would recommend using the quarterly reports more as a guide to better
understand which teams we should be contacting and pushing the hardest
to provide content.  I also like the idea of contacting bloggers and
doing a call for contributions and inspiration from the GNOME


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