Re: marketing hackfest?

On Wed, April 3, 2013 8:13 pm, Allan Day wrote:
Hi Karen,

Karen Sandler wrote:
As per Tobi's email, we should consider again whether to organize a
marketing hackfest! Shaun has suggested co-locating with the docs
in Cincinatti June 17-19.
What do people think? Would it be workable this time and if so would
having it in June make sense?
I'm definitely interested in attending a marketing hackfest. That
said, I am busy and my primary responsibility is design, so I'd want
to be confident that the event would be an effective use of time. Do
you (or anybody else) have any ideas for what we would work on?
I think there are a lot of things we could work on, but one big thing we
want to do is to better articulate why GNOME and free software generally
is so important. Also, our marketing materials site is old and seriously
out of date so on the more mundane side, combing through those materials,
reorganizing them and figuring out if there's anything new that we need
would probably be very useful.

I'm sure others have ideas too.


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