Re: Community Teams

On 2 December 2013 20:45, Oliver Propst <oliver propst gmail com> wrote:
 I can see your point, I try another one then "society".
Group, community and society would have very similar connotations for
many people, even though they do mean slightly different things. I
don't see anything wrong with "user group" other than that it hasn't
been changed in a while (is that really such a bad thing?) and it does
describe what it is perfectly.

On the other hand, some of the groups seem to have dissolved or become
inactive. I suspect that it would be more worthwhile making sure that
the details were up-to-date than spending effort on rebranding it.

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 9:41 PM, Hashem Nasarat <hnasarat gmail com> wrote:
I don't think tribe is a perfect term either.

In the West, "tribal" often implies "savage."

What about community? i.e. The GNOME Brazil Community
circle? The GNOME Brazil Circle

On 12/02/2013 03:31 PM, Oliver Propst wrote:
What about "tribes" ?

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 9:07 PM, Hashem Nasarat <hnasarat gmail com
<mailto:hnasarat gmail com>> wrote:

    I like the idea, but not the proposed term.

    The concept of clan connotes ethnicity to me. Also it makes me think
    the klan.

    Is there something that better connotes geographic proximity?

    On 12/02/2013 02:50 PM, William Jon McCann wrote:
    > Hi,
    > In the process of doing some cleanup of our online presence, I
    > that our local community team experience isn't very cohesive or
    > We have a bunch of stuff scattered around the wiki with the center
    of it
    > apparently being .
    > While the term LUG or UG may resonate with some older users it
    > really seem too inviting to me or some of the people I've tried to
    > out to (ugh).
    > So, I started thinking about what groups of gnomes might be
    > Something that is a word and not an acronym.
    > Something that avoids the tired old patterns.
    > Something that is a warm, inviting, and evokes kinship.
    > How about being part of a clan?
    > I propose that we:
    >  * Rename to
    >  * Move individual team content under that page (eg.
    > ->
    >  * Streamline the presentation of the clans page and add a map
    > What do you think? Should we go ahead?
    > Thanks,
    > Jon
    > PS. If you insist on justification by acronym here you go:
    > [for] local activity and networking :)
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-mvh Oliver Propst

-mvh Oliver Propst

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