3.8 Release Planning

Hi all,

As I recently noted in my email about release notes, GNOME 3.8 is due
for release on March 27. That gives us about a month to get ready on
the marketing side. This includes:

* Release notes
* Press release
* Update gnome.org (change the banner on the homepage, update the
screenshots on http://www.gnome.org/gnome-3/)
* Reach out to the press in advance to let them know that the release is coming
* Generate buzz any way we can (blog posts, social media, etc)

I'm working on the release notes and would appreciate any help I can
get. We also need people to take care of the press release (this has a
long lead time, since we have to approach people for quotations) and
reaching out to the press. Volunteers are badly needed here.

Let me know if you can take responsibility for any of these items.

IRC:  aday on irc.gnome.org
Blog: http://afaikblog.wordpress.com/

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