Hi Christian,
Wow, thanks a lot for the detailed feedback! I've merged most of your changes with the manuscript on the wiki now.>> In most cases I expect commas in the manuscript to have a more pronounced pause than they normally would in a conversation, hence why I use them a lot. But I agree.
On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 11:15 , Christian Hergert <christian hergert me> wrote:
However, I generally follow the sentences should have 15 words or lessguideline. Possibly worth breaking those each into their own sentence.I'm okay with the Builder line I guess. I don't want to seem like I'mhijacking 3.14 release notes for something that, while under the GNOMEumbrella, is a selfish effort of my own desires :-)Well, I thought it would supplement well to our message of wanting to focus on the developer experience in GNOME. Plus it was an interesting way to promote your fundraiser. I would be interested in knowing how the rest of engagement feels about this, though?- GNOME 3.14 has gained Clipboard support on Wayland and we're pushingto have good tablet, keyboard and touch support through libinput.+ GNOME 3.14 has gained Clipboard support on Wayland. We're advancinglibinput to improve the experience on keyboards, tablets, and touch.^ Not sure on this one, is someone from GNOME contributing to libinputdevelopment?
hmm, I actually am not sure. But anyone knows of a different area of Wayland we've made an effort within, this cycle, feel free to suggest that as a replacement.Another thought that came to my mind. Do we want to encourage donation / becoming a friend of GNOME in the end of the video? Is this something we do in the release notes? Or should we keep that out?-bastianilso
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