> El Miércoles 15 de enero de 2014 14:53, Andre Klapper <
ak-47 gmx net> escribió:
> > On Wed, 2014-01-15 at 13:00 +0000, Juanjo Marín wrote:
>> - For BugZilla, there is XML RPC communication support [1]
>> [1]
> I don't recommend to waste time on that in an ancient
3.4 installation.
> Recent versions have JSON-RPC; next stable will have REST.
I mentioned this particular version because I thought this was version that bgo is using, at least bgo shows "version 3.4.13". Does It means we are using a newer version right now or we are going to migrate to 4.4 anytime soon ?
> To me the topic sounds like Community Metrics so far, and badges only
> being one usecase on top.
Your're a right. Badges and gamification it is just an application of the community data, so yes, we need first to set up a community data infrastructure.