Re: 3.12 Release: Voice-Over Script to be Reviewed

On 6 March 2014 13:15, Bastian Hougaard <hougaard junior gmail com> wrote:
Hi fellow engagement members,

I am working on a release video, either to be released alongside with GNOME
3.12 or to be released before to create some hype. The video will cover key
features of this release for users and developers alike.

As karen has offered to do voice-over, I have been working on a script for
her which describes what I plan to cover in the video:

It would be nice if some of you could read the script through and give me
feedback on the script. As piratepad keeps track of changes [...]
FYI, so does our GNOME instance of etherpad. It might make sense for
the engagement team to request a pad from Andrea Veri.

In advance, thank you very much!


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