Re: FSCONS 2014

Its only about 10 days until the conference now.  While it may be hard
to get our own room I don't think it will be necessary as the main
hall feature a large open space with many tables where we can sit,
discuss and "hack" on engagement stuff.

Again I would suggest those who will come and *not* have "signed up"on
the wiki [1] to do so, guess we should do a basic schedule for the
table there as well. I'm also curious about the status of the


On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 1:08 PM, Oliver Propst <oliver propst gmail com> wrote:
On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Bastian Hougaard
<hougaard junior gmail com> wrote:
Hi Oliver,

On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 12:41 , Oliver Propst <oliver propst gmail com>

Right so there was talk the other day about having a GNOME table at FSCONS,
did we come any conclusion about that?

I think there's interest in having that, but unfortunately we can't get the
GNOME event box to FSCONS in time, so we would need to get hold marketing
materials by other means.
So FSCONS offer a table and AC outlet, beside the marketing materials
we would need a tablecloth/blanket (easy to fix).
Definitely think we should have some marketing material with us.

Also, from the wiki page it seems that only three
GNOME members are going so I think we're enough to man the table all the
We will be more then three GNOME people, know people who are coming
but not have written their
names there yet..

-mvh Oliver Propst

-mvh Oliver Propst

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