Re: [gnome-asia-id] Re: GUADEC preparation..

(Whups, missed to reply all. Resending)

I haven't heard the term x-stand before. Do you mean tables/booths?
According to the sponsorship brochure [1], Bronze sponsors and up are entitled a table in the entrance hall.
Sponsors are free to do pretty much what they want at their tables. Showing demos, give away gifts, recruit employees etc. etc.

- Andreas

On 08/03/2015 05:14 AM, Emily Chen wrote:
Great, I am cc:ing GUADEC team to aware of the GNOME.Asia gifts. 

@GUADEC organizers, is it OK to bring sponsor's X-stands? Like our sponsors from China: Seafile and gitcafe, is it OK for them to bring X-stands and some small gifts ? 


2015-08-03 10:42 GMT+08:00 Estu Fardani <andro medh4 gmail com>:

We will bring some tshirt, shoes, and goodybag. :)

Estu Fardani
Sent from mobile

On Aug 3, 2015 9:27 AM, "ahmad haris" <princeofgiri di blankon in> wrote:
Estu and Siska said that they will bring it.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 9:24 AM, Emily Chen <emilychen522 gmail com> wrote:
Do we have any materials left from GNOME.Asia Summit 2015, so that we can bring to GUADEC ? 


2015-08-01 1:32 GMT+08:00 Tobias Mueller <muelli cryptobitch de>:

On Fr, 2015-07-31 at 16:42 +0000, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> Does everybody have all the materials ready to bring to GUADEC?  (e.g.
> t-shirts, stickers, etc)
I've heard that we'll have small bags from this year's GNOME.Asia
I might be able to bring GNOME shoes to GUADEC.


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