Re: FOSDEM recap and report

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 8:18 AM, Tobias Mueller <muelli cryptobitch de> wrote:
Hey folks.

Some of you have attended FOSDEM.
I think it'll be helpful to collect feedback on the wiki:
Do you want me to add the experience from my two talks as well?

Could you please add thoughts on what went well and what we should do differently next year.

Good idea!

Also, we will probably want to have an article for the Annual Report 2015.
I'd be great if you could write an article already while the memory is fresh.
You can probably get an idea of what will be required by looking at the
existing reports:
Indeed..  I can help.

In the same vein: If you happen to have photos, please publish them somewhere under a free enough licence.
For future reference it might be smart to follow up in this thread so that we will be able to find the 
photos later when compiling the report.

I have some photos, but nothing too great.  Alexandre had some great ones!

Is there anyone who volunteers to write such a (very small) report?
I will help any volunteer who wants to do this.


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