Re: When "GNOME" doesn't really mean GNOME

Hi Bastien,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 8:21 AM, Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net> wrote:

The Korora Project, a distribution based on Fedora, offers a GNOME
variant for download:
I would say they should change the writing to "based on the GNOME
platform" or something to that effect.  But I agree, we have a visual
identity.  They are welcome to modify it but they should not call it
GNOME.  GNOME-compatible, 'based on the GNOME Platform', are good
choices I think.


But the GNOME there doesn't look anything like GNOME:
- always visible dock
- different shell theme
- different icon theme
- additional Places menu

I can understand customisation, but this doesn't really resemble GNOME
at all anymore. Do we have a way to discourage this portrayal of

Understand that I'm not talking about a user saying "this is a
screenshot of GNOME" and not mentioning that it's heavily modified.


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