Website stats for 2016

Tom is doing awesome work on the website currently.
We chatted the other day on irc about different data points, such as screen resolutions, browser support that had to be considered. Since I've been looking at these numbers for two days now, I thought I might share some of the results over the last year (Jan 1st to today). Hopefully it can provide some insights on how we could make our website better.


Operating System

GNU/Linux    47%
Windows      34%
MacOS        7%
Android      7%
iOS          3%


Device type

Desktop      89%
Smartphone   7%
Tablet       2%


Screen Resolution

1366x768     24.8%
1920x1080    23.1%
1600x900     5.3%
1280x1024    4.5%
1440x900     4.4%



Chrome              35.1%
Firefox             30.7%
Safari              11.1%
Chrome Mobile       4.7%
Internet Explorer   2.9%


Visits by day of the week

Monday        14%
Tuesday       15%
Wednesday     15%
Thursday      15%
Friday        15%
Saturday      13%
Sunday        13%


Pages index  52.1%
gnome-3          16.1
getting-gnome    13.2%
news             5%
technologies     5%
about            2.2%
get involved     2%
foundation       1.6%
fonts            0.8%
friends          0.4%


- Andreas

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