Re: Speaker for IndiaHacks

On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 2:40 PM, Lasse Schuirmann <lasse schuirmann gmail com> wrote:

I am currently in contact with the organizers of an one month long
open source hackathon and GNOME will be a part of that (you might've
seen that mail if you're a listed newcomer mentor). You can find more
information about the hackathon at and

There will be a conference somewhen (they apparently didn't announce
the date yet) and they would love to have a speaker about how to get
started with GSoC/Outreachy. They are expecting "an audience of ~1500
people at the conference, and a lot of them would be interested in
Open Source, so would be nice to have someone who has spoken on Open
Source in the past". Travel and accommodation will be sponsored by
them. (I didn't ask specifically yet but it might also be possible to
send multiple speakers, not sure though.)

I can talk about GSoC/Outreachy. I had done this few years ago and I would love to do this. If the conf is in Bangalore, I dont need Travel/Accommodation. 


I think that's a great way to promote GNOME and Open Source and engage
new and high quality people for GSoC.

I would love to hear about possible speakers from you soon!

Ping me on any other comments or questions.

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