Re: 3.20 release notes proofreading

On Fri, 2016-03-11 at 15:25 +0000, Allan Day wrote:
Hi everyone,

We are really short on time for the release notes, and they need to
be completed ASAP. As a result, I'm trying to finalise each page in
sequence, so it can be proof read while the next pages are being
written up.

The first page (called is ready for proof reading. If
anyone can review it and give feedback, that would be great. As
usual, the notes can be found here:

You'll need the gnome-3-20 branch:

Many thanks to Adelia for helping out with the release notes - we'd
be further behind than we already are without her!
2 verbs:

Couldn't see anything blatantly wrong in the rest.

Thanks for working on this!


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