From my side of the globe and an ethnic and religious background that is probably least affected directly by this issue, I feel deeply saddened by what's going on and I support any resolution that firmly supports that these things, like skin colour, gender, sexual orientation, and religion, should not and cannot be allowed to matter. Our community is incredibly inclusive, as should our society be, as should our leaders strive to be.
I truly hope that groups like the ACLU find a way to somehow reign in the crazy, and I am glad to hear that this is on the board's agenda.
Sincerely and deeply moved
MarioAm Montag, den 30.01.2017, 13:04 -0800 schrieb Nuritzi Sanchez:I think this is more of a question for the Board, since the statement would have to be from the GNOME Foundation.ÂI actually already put it on our Board agenda for tomorrow, but let me know if you think that it's not something for the Board to get involved with.ÂOn Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 1:02 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri ramkrishna me> wrote:The Linux Foundation sent out a press release against the immigration ban. I think we should also follow suit and also craft something that talks about our inclusiveness.
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