Meeting Minutes - 05/08/2018

= Meeting on May 8th =

== Attendees ==
 * Link
 * Nuritzi
 * Claudio
 * Muhammet
 * Michael
 * Chris
 * Oliver
 * Rosanna
 * Sri

== Roles ==
Chair -
Secretary -
PM - Link

== Agenda ==
* Review small events reimbursement policy changes
 * Annual report check in and photo gathering (Nuritzi)
 * marketing repo (Nuritzi)
* GStreamer 2018 Spring Hackfest report (oliverp)
* Upcoming Engagment blog posts ((oliver)
* Social media/news item notes (oliver)
     * Upcoming hackfests
*  Regarding Facebook (oliverp) 
 * Possibility to create additionalGNOME twitter accounts
* General question (oliverp)
* Go over GitLab (oliverp)

== Notes ==

===  Review small events reimbursement policy changes ===
 * ACTION: Nuritzi to find and highlight the small events policy document on the wiki
 * It's really hard to find things in the wiki 
 * Part of the problem is that we need to 
 * The word "Engagement" means a lot to us internally but maybe doesn't get the idea across externally
 * Resources wiki design for Claudio: and 
 * Nuritzi and Claudio interested in helping. Michael also able to help answer questions. 
 * ACTION: Nuritzi to follow up with Alexandre to ask about the May social event

=== Annual report check in and photo gathering ===
 * Need to find authors for: 
    * Outreach article 
        * need to know how many GSoC students, Outreachy students, etc. Ask the mentors for these number and we can then write the article
        * ACTION: Michael to ask gsoc mentos for Outreach article numbers
    * Featured article: switch to GitLab 
    * Events - Link
    * Hackfests - Link
    * Conferences - Link
    * Friends of GNOME - this is a report that gets pulled 
 * Articles due by mid-May or end of the month at the latest
 * Link is able to help with some articles
 * Andreas or Neil as backups? Scribus is used for this
 * ACTION: @Rosanna to ask Neil for the Friends of GNOME report and Letter to Foundation 
 * ACTION: Michael to poke Jeff again about doing the layout.  
 * Neil might have last year's Scribus. 
 * ACTION: Michael to ask Neil for Scribus source files from last year's report
 * ACTION: Nuritzi to try and find photos to use in the report
 * One photo source:

=== Marketing repo ===
 * GNOME Design repo is locked to to vetted designers only
 *  Because it encompasses all of GNOME design, including product design
 * Allan wants to know how we handle marketing/engagement design
   * Do we open a new repo on gitlab for this?
   * Could create a Community/Engagement/Design project on Gitlab
 * Action: Nuritzi to ask Allan to setup the new Gitlab project

=== GStreamer 2018 Spring Hackfest report  ===
 * Oliver attended the GStreamer Hackfest in Lund Sweden last weekend 
 * Oliver haved drafted articles for the Engagement blog. The article should focus on the people side of the hackfest 
 * ACTION: Oliver to create an Gitlab issue on Social Media board to track publishing (including ask for feedback)
 * ACTION: Oliver to interview Sebastian Dröge about GStreamer & GNOME for a future blog post (will work on the interview)

 === Upcoming Hackfests ===
 * (Alexandre have specifically requested for promotion on twitter)
=== Spring release promotion ===
 * Ubuntu and Gimp had major releases, we should do something to promote those
 * Oliver have an intention to write something

=== Facebook ===
 * ACTION: Nuritzi to add Oliver to the GNOME Facebook page

=== Free Softwareand Linux Days 2018 (OYLG18) ===
* In Istanbul on May 12-13
* Two talks: GNOME Recipes and Localization
* A booth next to LibreOffice and Pardus
*  Would like to promote on Social Media
* #oylg2018 #GNOMETürkiye
* ACTION: Muhammet to create an event page on the wiki

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